16 Myths about Sleep

Myths about sleeping have been around for centuries, and it's time to put them to bed so you can sleep well! From the idea that you can get by on only five hours of sleep a night to the notion that sleeping late will make you smarter, there are plenty of misconceptions about sleep. In this article, we'll debunk some of the most popular sleep myths and help you understand why getting enough quality rest is essential for your health and wellbeing. So let's get comfy, grab a cup of tea, and dive into the world of sleep myths!

And because everything we do is backed by science, you can read more in the study published by Science Direct.

Top 16 Myths about Sleeping

Myth: The unique ability to fall asleep “anytime, anywhere” is a sign of a expert sleeper

Fact: While the idea of being able to fall asleep “anytime, anywhere” may sound appealing, it is actually a sign of an unhealthy sleep system. In fact, research has found that the opposite is likely true - those with healthy sleep systems are more likely not to sleep well in unfamiliar environments. 

Myth: Remembering your dreams means a good night’s sleep

Fact:  It turns out that remembering your dreams has nothing to do with the quality of your sleep. So don't worry if you can't remember what you dreamed about last night - it doesn't mean that you didn't get a good night's rest.

Myth: Some adults need only 5 or less hours of sleep 

Fact: While it may seem to be working, the body is working overtime with no extra pay so a strike is coming. 


Myth: If you have trouble falling asleep, you should stay in bed and keep trying

Fact: In fact, research shows that it might be better to get out of bed and meditate or do something else (no electronics) until you feel sleepy again. So if you're having trouble falling asleep, don't just lie there - do something relaxing and then you will sleep well!

Myth: Your brain and body can learn to function the same with less sleep 

Fact: While it's tempting to believe that we can get away with sleeping less, the truth is that our brains and bodies need a certain amount of sleep in order to function properly. So if you're looking for a way to get more done without sacrificing your health, skimping on sleep isn't the answer!

Myth: The more sleep, the better 

Fact: If you think you can sleep 10 hours, think again. Too much of a good thing is not good for you and that includes sleep. Research actually indicates a negative effect of too much sleep so like all good things - do it in moderation. 

Myth: You can't recover from one night of sleep deprivation 

Fact: Just one night will not have a lasting effect so enjoy your occasional late night bender guilt free. 

Myth: It does not matter what time of day you sleep as long as you get the right amount of sleep

Fact: When you sleep when the sun does, it is proven your sleep is better. According to Ayurveda, you will get optimal sleep if you are already asleep by 10pm.  Sorry no more binge watching Netflix shows! 

Myth: Lying in bed with your eyes closed has similar benefits to sleeping 

Fact: Unfortunately, you actually have to fall asleep for your brain, body and skin to start their rejuvenation process. Closing your eyes does not count.

Myth: A sound sleeper rarely moves at night

Fact: How much you move has no effect on your sleep so dance or  turn at will. The only sleep that might be affected will be your partners. 

Myth: Hitting the snooze when you wake up is good

Fact: The snooze button will only make it worse! Set the alarm for your real wake up time not 5 or 20 minutes before. 

Myth: If you are having a hard time sleeping, taking a nap can help you catch up 

Fact: The midafternoon nap is ok for your occasional one crazy night out but don’t make it a habit - especially if you have a hard time sleeping at night!

Myth: Alcohol before bed will help you sleep

Fact: I have personally tried many times and can attest that this doesn’t work!  A glass of red wine might help fall asleep but it won’t keep you sleeping. The “nightcap” does not help you delays and sometimes prevents precious REM sleep.

Myth: Do something so you are bored and that will make you sleepy.

Fact: You don’t have to read a boring book in hopes of falling asleep because it does not work. Research proves you are better off doing something you enjoy before bed to get a good night's sleep so you can skip reading non-fiction (unless that’s your thing)! 

Myth: Watching television before bed can help you relax before sleep 

Fact:  I know we all wish this was true but evidence would show that the light and stimulation actually causes sleep difficulties.

Myth: Working out 4 hours before bedtime will ruin your sleep

Fact: It’s actually the opposite as there is a positive correlation between working out and getting good sleep even if it is before bed. We just took away another reason for you to stop avoiding your workout! Sorry, not sorry. 

Not that we have debunked all these myths about sleep, we hope you can finally sleep well! Here are some truths that DO give you a good night sleep include:

  • Turn the temperature down to around 68 degrees
  • Avoid all blue light for at least an hour before bed
  • Get movement during the day
  • Use high quality aromatherapy 

You can check out our Sleep Spray for pillows to get a great night of deep sleep! 

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